EMZT Radio Interview

Wow, I can’t believe we’ve reached 106% and we’re still going strong! Even though we met our initial goal of $5,000, we would like to raise some more funds to make a better product and submit the film to more festivals. The better film quality and visibility we have, the better our chances of turning it into a feature.  If you haven’t contributed or shared yet, visit our campaign page.

Speaking of visibility, I just wrapped up an interview with EMZT Radio Podcast and Productions! If you recall, EMZT asked female horror creators on Twitter to reach out to them for some free promotion during “Women in Horror” month. In response to my tweet, they generously promoted Escape Room on their blog (read the article here) and invited me to do an interview on their podcast. Listen to it here: https://emztradio.podbean.com/e/auggie-peterson-and-bessy-adut/

Thanks again to EMZT Radio for promoting our film!

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